Hiwot Abraha

Dayton Public School board illegally approves spending $68K on hoodies, despite acknowledging that they didn't follow procedure and the district bought them without board approval or an RFP

Dayton Public Schools and “HoodieGate”

It’s time to fire Dr. Libbie Lolli, the School Treasurer Hiwot Abraha, new Business Manager Dr. David Lawrence, and charge Dayton Public School board members, Will Smith, Dr. Chrisondra Goodwine, Karen Wick-Gagnet, and Dion Sampson with crimes in office. The crime: looking the other way when a $68,000 expense was not only authorized without board Read More

Who to vote for: Dayton Public School Board- and why

This post is late. Mostly because I’ve been trying to get a crazy dangerous lawyer locked up before he shoots someone- and because I have to respond to a Federal Court motion trying to pretend that the FBI and the DOJ aren’t two parts of the same doughnut. More on those- and the outrageous miscarriage Read More

School Board shows bias in public speaking time limits

Just last Friday I entered a memorandum contra to the defendants motion to dismiss my case against Dayton Public Schools and the City of Dayton for their illegal secretive meeting on the bus tour of schools to close. I added an argument about “viewpoint discrimination.” Saying that since they let the mainstream media on the Read More

In the lifeboats as the DPS ship sinks

Since the post last night: “Half of the preschool department is leaving for various school districts-roughly 16 teachers. Most are special-needs preschool teachers who are going to various districts that still have four day preschool- that understand that you cannot get IEP work done effectively without a planning day. Thank you for bringing to light Read More

Remove 5 members of Dayton Public School Board of Education? Yes please.

If you’ve been paying attention to the many meetings of the Dayton Public Schools Board of Education, you know that it’s turned into an absolute shit show since they picked Rhonda Corr as Superintendent. Just recently, they gave her a three year extension to her unorthodox one-year initial contract, after less than 7 months on Read More

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