Dayton’s future

Dr. David Lawrence given a disgraceful contract

The “contract” for DPS Superintendent Lawrence- that no one’s talking about

If the Dayton Public School board was playing poker- they were doing it with all of their cards on the table and no money to bet. This contract isn’t so much a contract but the actions of some wildly confused folks who think that they are power brokers. Dr. David Lawrence is a poker player, Read More

The Crowning of a Superintendent in Dayton after a national search

The Superintendent Search Soiree

Full disclosure, I’ve known David Lawrence for about 25 years and considered him a close friend until recently. I’m not sure if the pressure of being thrust into a position by a psycho, disrespectful school board has contaminated our relationship, or if I’ve misjudged him all these years. Political survival in Dayton is often determined Read More

DPS Board candidates? And other hopefuls…

Well, it’s official, 1 and done for both Dion Sampson and Dr. Gabriella Pickett, leaving 2 open seats. Rapping Will Smith has turned in petitions to run again. We have 7 people who’ve turned in petitions, but that’s no guarantee the Board of (S)Elections will approve them all. At a time when this board needs Read More

Dayton Can't Demolish its way to prosperity. Run down property in the non-historic part of south park

Dayton can’t demolish its way to prosperity

This article was submitted to the Dayton Daily news for publication as an “Other Voices” column. Or should I say, over a month later, a “Anyone other than David Esrati voices” column. Nick Hrkman, the editor, was hurt by my response to his last rejection. It’s ok, because, they don’t buy ink by the barrel Read More

Who to vote for in Dayton on Nov 2, 2021

Early voting can cause serious buyers remorse. Source: Why you should never early vote | Esrati I wrote that about a month ago. For those of you who voted for the “endorsed democratic party candidates” – you now know that the party is neither democratic, or to be trusted. For the Mayors race you have Read More

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