Dion Sampson

Dayton Public School board illegally approves spending $68K on hoodies, despite acknowledging that they didn't follow procedure and the district bought them without board approval or an RFP

Dayton Public Schools and “HoodieGate”

It’s time to fire Dr. Libbie Lolli, the School Treasurer Hiwot Abraha, new Business Manager Dr. David Lawrence, and charge Dayton Public School board members, Will Smith, Dr. Chrisondra Goodwine, Karen Wick-Gagnet, and Dion Sampson with crimes in office. The crime: looking the other way when a $68,000 expense was not only authorized without board Read More

DPS adds 3 new board members, still allowing insanity to rule

I couldn’t take the stupidity anymore of going to the meetings. Now with Mohamed Al-Hamdani in charge, the dismantling of the district for takeover by either the Mayor or a private corporation is on an accelerated path. While Superintendent Libbie Lolli continues to rule with fear and loathing, the revolving door is spinning so fast, Read More

Do not vote for Joe Lacey for school board

First, let’s be clear, there are 4 people running for 3 seats on the worst school board in the state. Anyone running for this position should have their head examined. 5 hour meetings, lawsuits, a superintendent who should never have been the superintendent, a bunch of cronies in high positions, schools in disarray, athletic sanctions, Read More

What Dayton Public Schools don’t want you to know

The buildings are in turmoil. Libby Lolli’s last minute deck chair re-arrangement experiment is failing. Bad. Shuffling most of the building leadership has caused schools that were previously running moderately well- are now in chaos. Most significantly is Thurgood Marshall High School, where Sharon Goins used to run a pretty tight ship. Teachers assaulted, arrested, Read More