
Why you should subscribe to the NY Times- at a discount

Subscribe to the New York Times for $1 a week. You don’t have to read any of this. You just need to follow this link to subscribe for $1 a week for a year to the New York Times: This works on your smart phone, tablet, or desktop computer. You can thank me later. Read More

Changes coming to

A live local news show that’s interactive? We’re testing it out with the Esrati Report on YouTube. If we can get the workflows going we’ll also add it to Facebook live. Right now, we’re working on mastering the graphics via OBS software, a teleprompter that stalls, changing mics, lenses, and practicing the delivery. Here’s episodes Read More

Update on – or why I’ve been so quiet

The bozo meter finally was broken. That feature that allowed you to vote, bozo or brilliant- and hide the stupdity (even my own) in comments, hadn’t been updated in a year. We’ve found a new ratings plugin, that also handles subscriptions. Going back to import the votes on old comments seemed like way too much Read More

Why not this year?

This year was “the year” to run for City Commission. An open seat, and the weakest commissioner on the ballot in Matt Joseph. Other than a special election, it doesn’t get any easier to run. We had a whole bunch of people say they were going to run, but I wasn’t one of them. At Read More

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