32 results for "Home Depot pac"

Brilliant political rhetoric in the OH-3 race

In the discussion about Congressman Turner’s wife, Lori and her questionable ethics (accepting work from clients who want to curry favor with her husband- or no bid contracts from quasi-government organizations) we reach an all time high point in the discussion of disclosure thanks to the brilliant Montgomery County Republican Party chairman: County Republican Party Read More

Mike “teflon” Turner denies wife’s business is a slush fund

This isn’t the first time I’ve pointed out that Lori Turner’s business has grown as her husbands position has risen. I first pointed it out in this post (which is cited by Wikipedia) Is Turner Effect a slush fund for Mike Turner supporters? If you can’t donate enough to Mike’s campaign, just hire Lori- and Read More

The $300,000 question: Get Midwest Goes Bye-Bye?

Now that Lori Turner and Turner Effect have gotten paid $300,000 and resigned the account, several people asked me today: what next? History tells me that it’s time to do some housecleaning at the Dayton Development Coalition. This reminds me of when Thomas Heine was ousted from the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce, or when Read More

Forget the DDN and Dem Party endorsements- I’ve got real people endorsing me.

I’m asking you to let me represent you in the “House of Representatives” of our Country. To me, the opportunity to serve the people in this role is almost sacred and the highest honor that you could give me. I’m not perfect (and I get told daily what is wrong with me to the point Read More

Lori Turner withdraws from branding campaign: owes a refund as well as a mea culpa

I guess it’s a Turner thing- to exaggerate at  every opportunity how much time and what value your “work” is worth. Mike Turner used to make me sick on the campaign trail with his “I’ve donated over 300 hours” to this or that. Only a lawyer counts his time as closely. Turner Effect bowed out Read More

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