Wall Street Casino

Why Johnny Q. Public can’t pay his mortgage but can bail out Wall Street

Our system is broke. It’s now as morally bankrupt as Wall Street. The American dream is now a complete and utter farce and the belief that the people we elect actually “represent” us should be forgotten as fast as they forgot us with this “bailout”. Johnny can’t pay his mortgage for a whole bunch of Read More

Bush gets one thing right: The market isn’t functioning properly

Watching tonight’s presidential address, there was one sentence that stood out-an admission of a fundamental flaw in the system- yet, no one is talking about the real problem: Wall Street isn’t a financial market anymore- it’s a casino. I’ve been saying this for years. Now, with this bailout being rushed through, I’m waiting to hear Read More

How to solve the financial crisis- what you won’t hear from Obama or McCain

There is no question that Wall Street is flailing about, while our President and the two candidates are woefully inept at making any proposal to stop the hemorrhaging and start working on the fundamental issue (which the candidates have correctly identified) greed. The following NY Times article has a lot of finger pointing and posturing- Read More

Volatility is the enemy: the difference between an investor and a speculator

Would you go into business with an investor who would only invest in your venture for a few hours- or days? No. Not just no, but hell no. Business isn’t something that ebbs and flows by the minute, hour, day, week or even month- business is a planned program to make money over a period Read More

Why is gas $4 a gallon? You can partially blame Enron. The rest is on us.

I’m sure I’ll catch some flak for criticizing deregulation, however, somethings just do better with regulation. Banks are one. Bear Sterns proved that. Mortgage funds are another- Countrywide proved that. And, if you want to know why commodities trading needs regulation- well, Enron proved that. I highly recommend either reading, or listening to this entire Read More

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