The Big Short

Legal, illegal, and illogical gambling

The online poker sites got shut down. The online fantasy sports leagues have run into a bit of trouble because the only people who were winning were working with inside info. Yet Wall Street is still going a hundred miles a minute with all kinds of convoluted “financial products” with absolutely zero oversight. Need proof? Read More

Go see ’The Big Short’ now

There is a good argument against democracy- that people aren’t smart enough to select their leaders. The fact that Bernie Sanders has an editorial in the N.Y. Times today talking about how to reel in the Fed- while other candidates are talking about the terrorist threat, should be a clear message to the voting public Read More

Who made money in the collapse

If you listen to the pundits and the politicians, you’ll hear all kinds of excuses for why our entire economy collapsed virtually overnight. Lots of blame on sub-prime loans- and even that the government was responsible for pushing people into homes they couldn’t afford. It’s all total BS, but finding someone credible to point out Read More