May 2009

Hear the challengers. Tuesday May 5, Calvary Baptist Church

The McCook Field Neighborhood Association is inviting all of the candidates for City Commission and Mayor to speak at one of their meetings prior to the election in November 2009.  Tomorrow night, May 5, 2009, starting at 7pm, they will have David Esrati and Gary Leitzell. I’m running for Commission in a best of three Read More

Why term limits were a really bad idea.

My father told me before the term limit legislation that we already had them, they were called “elections.” I didn’t agree- because we had already transformed “elections” into “auctions”- but that is why campaign finance reform should be first and foremost on anyone’s mind who wants to create “change we can believe in.” The Dayton Read More

Bad news for Beatlemaniacs

After being on the air for years, on many different stations, Clear Channel made another one of their stupid moves and fired Ann Steven from her “Breakfast with the Beatles” Sunday Morning gig on WTUE 104.7 In the name of “cost saving” we just took another step away from having any local input on the Read More

Residency and stupidity

If Commissioner Whaley was really doing business when she conducted her “survey” of police and fire employees about residency, why didn’t she do it through official channels? Hopefully, the City of Dayton does have e-mail? Telephone surveys are so last century to begin with. Here are the pertinent parts of the Dayton Daily News article Read More

The Big Idea Breakfast: The Dayton Bcycle project

The wheels are in motion- and the right people are jumping on board. My goal is to get the Dayton Bcycle bike share program in place in Spring of 2010. It’s time to put Dayton on the map for something big, that’s really about getting small. Riding bicycles is a great way to stay fit, Read More

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