Demolition in Dayton

Dayton Can't Demolish its way to prosperity. Run down property in the non-historic part of south park

Dayton can’t demolish its way to prosperity

This article was submitted to the Dayton Daily news for publication as an “Other Voices” column. Or should I say, over a month later, a “Anyone other than David Esrati voices” column. Nick Hrkman, the editor, was hurt by my response to his last rejection. It’s ok, because, they don’t buy ink by the barrel Read More

5 of 6 structures in Dayton are occupied

The Dayton Daily news headline is “1 in 6 structures in Dayton are vacant” and it sounds horrible. Of course it does- because the Dayton Daily news thinks bashing Dayton is good for selling papers (not that they are doing a good job of that- you can now giveaway 4 subscriptions with your one subscription Read More