Cost of sprawl

Dayton Can't Demolish its way to prosperity. Run down property in the non-historic part of south park

Dayton can’t demolish its way to prosperity

This article was submitted to the Dayton Daily news for publication as an “Other Voices” column. Or should I say, over a month later, a “Anyone other than David Esrati voices” column. Nick Hrkman, the editor, was hurt by my response to his last rejection. It’s ok, because, they don’t buy ink by the barrel Read More

Your tax dollars subsidizing Amazon in Dayton

Montgomery County population hasn’t grown in 20 years. But our footprint keeps growing- as we continue to sprawl out over fertile farmland to do what exactly? Create jobs? What kind of jobs? Benefiting who? There are plenty of sites in the county that Amazon, Crocs or anyone else could have picked to build a warehouse Read More