Ross Perot

Ross Perot was right.

The last major third party candidate to make it on the ballot (Ross Perot) had it right- there was a giant sucking sound coming, and we didn’t listen. But, it’s more than just the sound of “free trade” sucking jobs from our highly regulated- centrally directed economy (and don’t say it isn’t after the bailout Read More

Daytonians prefer dots to discourse

I wrote this this morning with the idea of sending it to the Dayton Daily News as an op-ed piece. However, I know that they’ll hack it to pieces- or run it on a Monday when nobody reads it. If you think it’s worthy- send a note to [email protected] and suggest they publish it. I’m Read More

Committees and consultants don’t build confidence

If you keep electing the same people and expect a different result, you’ve got a problem. If you read the story in today’s Dayton Daily News about the candidates’ position on jobs, you won’t hear anything different than you heard four or eight or twelve years ago. In fact, the “streamlining” of the permit process Read More

Young Creative Summit: being young, doesn’t make you creative

I work in advertising, a creative industry. If there is one thing I’ve learned, it’s that age has nothing to do with being creative. Some people have creativity, or the ability to coax great things out of others, most don’t. Steve Jobs is creative. He’s over 40 (54 right now), and has been a driving Read More

When there is no leadership- form a committee

Debate used to be something that was valued in America. Lincoln vs. Douglas was a pivotal point in American history that captured the country’s attention. JFK was more telegenic than Nixon and from then on, it became less and less about the power of ideas, but a pandering to the majority. Debate focuses ideas, especially Read More

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