Judge Thomas Rose

US District Court Judge M. Thomas Rose

The truth, the half truth, and nothing closely resembling the truth. The Higgins Appeal.

If you watch any legal procedural on TV, you’ve heard the words that you swear before taking the stand, “Do you swear that the evidence you shall give to the court in this matter shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” This is a story of anything but the truth. Read More

The final chapter in the “Culture of Corruption?”

On July 1, 2022, while most of us were in a state of shock due to the Dobbs decision effectively banning abortion in all the Red states including ours, just before the holiday weekend, Judge Thomas Rose of the Southern District of Ohio slipped one by us. Roshawn Winburn, the public employee caught accepting bags Read More

Losing faith in the judicial branch: 3rd Federal judge recuses from Esrati FOIA case

Judge Michael H Watson recused himself from the case Esrati v DOJ on May 31 2022, without specifying a reason. He follows Judge Thomas Rose and Judge Michael Newman. The case has now been assigned to Judge Sarah Morrison and on June 9th, 2022, she granted an order allowing me Pro Se filing rights on Read More

Witch hunt trial begins at 8:30 Monday, 10 January: USA vs Higgins

Giglio v. United States, 405 U.S. 150 (1972), is a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that the prosecution’s failure to inform the jury that a witness had been promised not to be prosecuted in exchange for his testimony was a failure to fulfill the duty to present all material evidence Read More

The Feds got coal for Christmas this year

Esrati details the saga of corruption behind the “culture of corruption” case in Dayton that only targeted black men despite clear evidence that the worst perpetrators got away scot-free.

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