Sharon Goins

What Dayton Public Schools don’t want you to know

The buildings are in turmoil. Libby Lolli’s last minute deck chair re-arrangement experiment is failing. Bad. Shuffling most of the building leadership has caused schools that were previously running moderately well- are now in chaos. Most significantly is Thurgood Marshall High School, where Sharon Goins used to run a pretty tight ship. Teachers assaulted, arrested, Read More

The inevitable death of the Dayton Public Schools at the hands of Libby Lolli

A conversation between a Dayton Public Schools principal who is leaving and Superintendent Dr. Elizabeth Lolli, recounted third hand goes something like this: Lolli- “are you leaving because of me?” Principal- speechless. And here you have the primary reason Lolli should never have been put in charge of a failing urban district. She thinks the Read More