Radical Careering

The new wright state logo not done by YorkBranding or Push Inc showing Wright State leadership under Dr. David Hopkins

A free book that might help you get a job you love

For the last 3 or so years- every time a friend got fired, downsized, laid off, or was searching for a job that would make them happy – I’d hand them a copy of “Radical Careering” by Sally Hogshead. If you are in advertising, you’d know who she is. Won every major ad award by Read More

Self help 101: For all those struggling with life as we know it in Dayton

It seems there is a lot of angst in this town. A lot of people whining about how life sucks, Dayton sucks, leadership sucks, Forbes magazine sucks, a lot of major suckage. And yes, I’m part of the problem- because I think it sucks that we can’t have a conversation about new ideas without having Read More