Mike Turner Congressman

Mike Turner thinks he’s on a mission from God

I’ve said this before, for a lawyer, Mike Turner must have flunked Constitutional law, you know the one that starts out with the First Amendment that guarantees the right of free speech. In his latest exhibition of his Christian fundamentalism, he wants to bar members of the military from contacting an organization dedicated to preserving Read More

Why the Montgomery Democratic Party is a joke

Mark Owens, Montgomery County Party Chairman and Dayton Clerk of Courts came up to me after the meeting to ask me if I gave someone the finger. I said yes, and that the little old lady has been disrespecting me for years, mostly by hissing when I spoke, but tonight, as I started to speak Read More

Trump, Turner, The F35 and unicorns

Trump says the F35 costs too much. Congressman Turner has never met a weapons program, especially one run out of his district, that he’s not in love with. The F35 is a mythical air superiority, one size fits all services, fighter, that was obsolete before it ever flew. A unicorn is a mythical creature that Read More

Whaley and the Syrian refugees

The vitriol in the comments on Facebook, and even the South Park NextDoor site, was incendiary. “You can have them live at your house” and “why don’t you take care of homeless veterans first” were recurring themes. Recall was mentioned too. What did Queen Nan do? Whaley and 17 other U.S. mayors sent a letter Read More

The un-politician running for Congress in OH10, meet Rob Klepinger

Qualifications for running for congress as set out by the founding fathers: Be 25 or older Live in the US for over 7 years. New qualifications for Congress according to media, politicians, and stupid voters: Spend at least a million dollars with the media, be a career politician, and don’t say anything that sounds like Read More

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