
Benghazi vs. Sandy Hook and Susan Rice vs. the gun lobby

When the American ambassador to Libya was killed in Benghazi,  half way around the world, in a foreign land, in a far from friendly place, Susan Rice made a statement on behalf of the Obama administration based on information provided to her by the intelligence community. It later proved to be inaccurate, and because of Read More

Has terrorism been redefined?

In the opening salvo of the debate, Congressman Paul Ryan has defined the killing of the U.S. Ambassador in Libya a “terrorist attack” and blamed our government (of which he was part) of being unprepared and under manned. Malarkey. The real terrorist act is Ryan’s use of fear for political gain. I’ll start with the Read More

The 2nd Amendment and foreign policy

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In the wake of the movie theater shooting in Colorado I’ve been thinking a lot about gun control. I’m going to put Read More

Gas prices got you down? Solutions to our oil addiction

Gas shot up this week because another country with a huge spread between its haves and its have nots decided to try to equalize things by having a little revolution. Libya produces around 2% of the world’s oil- and very little of it reaches the U.S.- but, we’re going to pay, and pay, and pay. Read More