Mohamed Al-Hamdani tries to stop Mary McDonald from Running against Debbie Lieberman for Montgomery County Commission

Montgomery County Crips try to whack McDonald

If you can’t win on the strength of your candidate, go to the arcane book of technicalities called the Ohio Revised Code and try to disqualify your opposition. That’s the latest play out of the Montgomery County Democratic Private Club, run by Mohamed Al-Hamdani, who got away with breaking the law before he was even in office (see DPS: Special meetings are to avoid scrutiny).

Al-Hamdani filed a complaint with the board of elections with an imaginary friend, Brenda Blausser (her name is misspelled- it should be Blauser, who is a “PARTY UNC” according to her voter record) whom he calls (wrongly) a Republican.

He wants former Trotwood Mayor, Mary McDonald, (full disclosure- I’ve printed a mailer for McDonald).disqualified from her run for Montgomery County Commission against Debbie Lieberman, since he claims McDonald can’t run as a Republican because she failed to resign from her elected position as a precinct captain in the Dem Party. From his filing nonsense:

Mary McDonald is a duly elected member of the Montgomery County Democratic Party Central Committee from TR4-D, in an election on May 3, 2022. (See Exhibit 1) Because she is an elected Central Committee member, Ohio Revised Code §3513.191 is the controlling statute. As an elected office holder for which she was nominated and elected at a party primary, she must file a “Declaration of Intent” which shall: ” … (a) be filed not later than 4:00 p.m. of the 30th day before a Declaration of Candidacy and Petition is required to be filed under §3513.05 of the Ohio Revised Code;
(b) be filed with the same official with whom the person filing the Declaration of Intent is required to file a Declaration of Candidacy and Petition;
( c) indicate the political party whose nomination in the primary election the person seeks;
( d) be on a form prescribed by the Secretary of State.”
Mary McDonald has not filed a Declaration of Intent as required by the Ohio Revised Code.


To be clear, the election isn’t on March 19, 2024- since there are no primary challengers in this race. The election is Nov 5th, and by that time, Ms. McDonald will have voted in the Republican primary, where she’ll have practically no choices anyway. This whole question of who is a member of a political party is really a joke. Need proof? Here’s a few examples:

Mary McDonald was the Mayor of Trotwood which is elected in a non-partisan election (no party labels are on the ballot, and any “primary” is merely a “thinning of the herd” because American Politics think we’re all too stupid to pick anything different than catsup or mustard in elections. You can watch a Pecha Kucha presentation I made long ago calling it “Coin flip politics”

Mary was considered a Dem because she had voted in a primary election and requested a Dem ballot. She also had been elected as a “precinct captain” in Trotwood for the Dem Party. In the last election, Yvette Page, ran against her. Yvette was also a Dem. The Dem party should be ecstatic- 2 strong dem candidates- they can’t lose. Let the people decide? Awe, Hell no.

Instead, the party went through a bunch of voting gyrations to “endorse” Page over McDonald, despite their constitution requiring them to automatically endorse incumbents. You can read more about this mess and watch my video in this post: What does “endorsed democrat” mean? And why you should ignore it.

What happened that night was that people who don’t live in Trotwood, tried to make a decision for the people of Trotwood in advance. How very undemocratic.

After being snubbed, and losing the election, McDonald did what other’s before her have done- she switched parties (or so she thought). The protectionist party, the friends and family, the monarchy, doesn’t like people who don’t do as they say. Some other Dems who’ve left the fold in recent years:

Judge Dick Skelton had the nerve to spend $250,000 of his own money to unseat Francis McGee Cromartie from the Common Pleas bench. Dick switched parties and beat the former Mayor of Dayton James H. McGee’s daughter and took his lifetime appointment to the bench where he can be a lousy judge (he’s the one that allowed Al-Hamdani to break the Sunshine Laws).

John McManus ran a hard race against State Rep Jim Butler in the old R leaning 41st Statehouse seat. McManus came the closest ever in a district that was gerrymandered strong Republican. (full disclosure- I’ve printed materials for both McManus and Butler).He had no help from the local party. He then ran for Treasurer as a Republican and beat the appointed incumbent, member of the monarchy, Russ Joseph like a rug.

Jacqueline Gaines is now on the ballot for a judgeship, after being told she couldn’t run by the party, who chose Angelina Jackson, over the insider Tony Schoen in the last race. Jacqueline is now an R and running for common pleas against Jennifer A. Petrella for the R nomination. No D’s are running.

I can’t tell you how many times Phil Plummer, who I routinely call “Phil “the torturer” Plummer on this blog, has tried to get me to run for County Commission as an R. It’s sad. If you need to know what I think of Phil and his jail- go read this post and watch the video: Cruel and unusual punishment in the Montgomery County Jail

Now, back to real issues with candidates and legalities. I identified a school board member on the Dayton Public School board who didn’t live in the district anymore. It’s a requirement. When a local Republican Huber Heights Council Member got divorced and had to move out of his house- to Beavercreek nobody seemed to raise a ruckus until way later, see: Huber Heights is another nexus of corruption These are real issues- yet, the BOE did nothing. Neither did the State AG, the local prosecutor, the list goes on. I even identified that Dr. Adil Baguirov, the DPS board member- had committed voter fraud, along with his business partner, claiming to live in a house on Maryland Ave. Nothing. (Btw- Baguirov has now changed his name to Al Bagiro probably because if you search his name, he shows up on this site too much. And, btw- he also ran for County Recorder and got beat, after I forced his resignation from the school board).

And if you want the final question of who is a dem or not a dem, in the 2022 election there was a four way primary to run against Mike Turner for Congress. The results had me beating the other three to be the party choice. The Montgomery County Democratic Party refused to acknowledge my win, my candidacy or grant me access to the party databases, fundraising, participation on the slate cards, or the discounted postage available to the political parties.

This party is as bad as Trump- claiming elections don’t matter. Except when their candidate, queen of the monarchy, Debbie Lieberman is facing a real challenger.

And, Debbie has some baggage. I doubt you’ll read all 6000+ words of this investigation (When the wrong answer and no response spells corruption and coverup) which showed how Debbie’s assistant, John Theobald, steered a $200K no-bid county health department contract and a Montgomery County Board of Elections $25K contract- no bid to The Wilderness Agency. The agency that did Lieberman’s campaign work- and the one that Theobald is now trying to claim 51% ownership of so they can be qualified as a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business. It took Debbie over 7 months to quietly ease Theobald out of his cushy government job as her bat boy. Despite ample evidence, no investigation was made of Theobald or this contract steering.

But, that’s how we roll in Montgomery County. Where protecting the status quo is job 1. The idea of letting voters decide who wins elections here is still blasphemy when it comes to the two parties. Our unwritten rules about never challenging judges, about how we’ve divvied up the prosecutors office and the sheriff’s office to each party are just standard operating procedure.

Let’s also be clear, the Montgomery County Democratic Party is a very small group of people, many of whom got 5 signatures and ran unopposed to be precinct captains. The party can’t fill all the seats (see how many “Vacant” positions there are) and a very small subset actually show up. The ones guaranteed to show up- are either related to, or work for elected officials. Patronage jobs guarantee the people in power- have power. This is not a welcoming or friendly to strangers group (unlike the excellent and friendly South Dayton Democratic Club).

What is the purpose of even having primaries, if a small group of people think they should select who is on the ballot or not on the ballot? This isn’t supposed to be the Crips and the Bloods- it’s supposed to be the bedrock of a democracy.

In the end, this will be much ado about nothing. The local BOE will split 2-2 and it will go to the Secretary of State- and he’ll rule to allow Mary McDonald on the ballot. And, Al-Hamdani and Debbie Lieberman will be sitting there together, crying in their beers on election night when each of them gets beat by former Dems who they helped drive out of their own party.

Who’s running to beat Mike Turner (actual news instead of Dayton Dayton news)

The Dayton Daily news published a story today that was sloppy, lazy reporting. They listed a guy from Cincinnati as an opponent- who’s petitions have fatal flaws.
They didn’t actually list all the people who turned in. They didn’t give you any information about the candidates. And they wonder why so few people subscribe.

A list is easy to pull off the BOE website- what’s a little harder is making the calls to see what’s going on, or actually knowing anything about your subject matter.

Kirk Benjamin who ran last time in the four way primary was short a few signatures in Montgomery County but got some Greene County signatures to make it onto the ballot. He didn’t have a website last time- and didn’t campaign. (He did come into my office frequently to try to test his odd ideas on what campaign issues he thought were important- this was after our non-profit did a video interview with him). Apparently, Benjamin dropped out- updated 19 January 2024.

Amy Cox has a website up. She doesn’t live in the district (Yes- that’s legal, it’s what Niraj Antani is trying to do in OH-2). When I asked her why she wasn’t running against her Congressman, Warren Davidson, she said, “oh, that’s Vanessa Enochs race.” Actually, it happens to be a 3 way Democratic race between Enoch, Nathaniel Hawkins and David E. Gelb if Enoch and Hawkins signatures are certified on the second. Gelb is certified. You can see the Butler County report here.

It was interesting looking at the Hamilton County Candidate report- where they actually attempt to inform the public- showing who was filed, who is pending, who failed. A very nice change from Montgomery County’s den of inequity.

Here are 3 examples of reports:

Which BOE report is more informative? Should be obvious.

I’ve filed- and my petitions are recommended for approval. My site is I won the 4 way primary last time, and got zero support from the Democratic party which apparently, doesn’t believe in election results.

Manual Foggie of Cincinnati filed as a carpetbagger, and his petitions are flawed.

Joseph S. Kuzniar filed and his petitions have been approved. He’s a retired AF Lt. Colonel, and is very focused on why the WPAFB library is closed. He’s in his 80’s – and I had to help him get his petitions to fill out. I doubt he’ll have a website.

Tony Pombo lives in Beavercreek, and turned in enough signatures. According to searches he runs a company called “Circuits Alive” out of his house. Attempts to contact him via his google voice assistant were denied. Emails were not responded to. Based on the technical execution of his business website (which is unsecure) he won’t have an online presence.

Mike Turner has no Republican opposition in the primary- and will probably continue his long track record of never meeting with voters in person.

While his deadline to turn in his 2890+ signatures isn’t until the day before the primary, Michael Harbaugh, who owns the Wild Banana food truck and has a website up: is planning on running as an independent in November.

All boards of elections will meet on January 2nd to officially certify the petitions.

It is my plan to organize candidate forums in Clark, Greene and Montgomery counties over the next three months so voters can ask questions of the candidates- they will be filmed and livestreamed. More details to come.

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David Esrati files to run against Mike Turner in Ohio 10 for congress as a democrat.

Esrati files for Congress in OH-10

Democrat, David Esrati, 61, filed 130 signatures today with the Montgomery County Board of Elections for Congress to challenge Mike Turner R, for the Ohio tenth district. Only 50 are necessary for ballot access. Esrati has had multiple challenges to his petitions from the hyper-partisan BOE over the years. The fact that the Montgomery County Democratic Party defacto endorsed Mike Turner despite Esrati winning a 4 way primary in 2022 is a good reason for him to be wary of the BOE.

Esrati, a Dayton Ohio resident, has run for Mayor of Dayton, Dayton City Commission multiple times, and this will be the third time on the ballot for Congress. He lost to Sharon Neuhart in a 5 way primary in 2012. Esrati owns an advertising agency, The Next Wave, has written the Dayton centric blog, (you’re on it) since 2005, is an Army Veteran and community activist. He runs 2 non-profits, Reconstructing Dayton focused on bringing unigov to Montgomery County and The Modern Policy Institute which promotes open source solutions to help educate voters and implement open transparent representative government. He has a long history with Mike Turner, running against him in 1993 for Mayor in the primary, and later having Turner illegally arrest him in a commission meeting for exercising his first amendment rights to protest symbolically and silently at a public meeting.

So far, only one other candidate has filed and been approved on the ballot, Joseph S. Kuzniar of Enon, who has never voted in a Democratic primary, despite a voting record back to 2010. Kuzinar, born in 1942, is a Biden aged 80+. A military veteran, he came in to meet me to ask how to run. I had to download the petition for him. His petitions were certified 11/21/2023. When I told him it costs about a million to be taken seriously, he seemed undeterred and confused about what that money goes for. Kuzniar doesn’t have a website or even a Facebook page for his campaign.

Turner turned in his petitions 12/7/2023 and will probably be certified at the BOE meeting tomorrow, Dec 15. The filing deadline is the 20th.

Kirk Benjamin who came in last in the 2022 primary has taken out petitions but not yet filed. You can watch a video of him by Reconstructing Dayton, explaining his campaign here: (sorry about the camera info on the video, it was during Covid- and this was the first use of the streaming equipment by a new employee).

Amy Cox who last ran for State Representative in 2022 in Ohio-40, has a website up claiming she’s running for Congress. The Preble County resident lost that race 71-29% to Rodney Creech. Yes, candidates can run for Congress who don’t live in their district- like Niraj Antani running for OH-2 in Cincinnati while living here. I included Amy in my effort last time to bring attention to all the democratic candidates fighting the good fight with little party support on this site:

There is a wild card independent gathering signatures to run in the November Election. Michael Harbaugh owns the Wild Banana food truck and has a website up: His threshold for ballot access is a whopping 2,800 signatures to qualify- which means collecting almost twice that. An interesting fact, while local petitions require no more signatures than the number of seats open, there is no restriction on signatures for Congress- a voter can sign as many petitions for a candidate from their party (or if they are undeclared) as they want.

Harbaugh’s petitions aren’t due till March 18, 2024, the day before the party primaries.

The Montgomery County Board of Elections will not certify my petition, or any other filed before the turn in date until their first board meeting on 2 January 2024. They will tell me their recommendation on Monday (a first).

The Primary in Ohio for Federal candidates is Tuesday, March 19, 2024. At this point, Turner has no Republican party primary challenger.

Did Dr. Lawrence just out Dr. Lolli as a fraud?

Thursday, Dec 7, 2023- Dr. Lawrence conversation with the community at Belle Haven PK-6

This was the first of the second round of community conversations with the Superintendent, and while somethings remain constant (staff outnumbering citizens) this was eye-opening.

Maybe because he starts with talking about how one of the new school board members taking a seat in January was a former DPS student of his, Eric Walker, or maybe because Dr. Gabriella Pickett will disappear back into the hole she slid out of to spew her venom, but the tone was decidedly different.

Finally off defense after gracefully accepting a repugnant promotion to “interim superintendent” after Dr. Lolli punked the board, Lawrence wasn’t putting out fires- but talking about how his team has started new ones- fires under the butts of the district staff to actually deliver a functioning school system.

Transportation is no longer an issue (as if it ever should have been) and new parental communication tools are very appreciated according to a few parents/guardians/grandparents/caregivers in attendance, even if the bus app still has a few bugs.

Schools like Meadowdale and EJ Brown were garnering praise, where as under Lolli they were gathering police calls, fights, and havoc.

And, initial reading scores for 3rd graders at the first milestone are ahead of Lolli’s best final scores- all in the first 4 months.

The Public Information Office actually did something he praised and he shared it in the meeting, and he’s realized that the website the district illegally contracted no-bid isn’t cutting it (partially because of who did it, partially because of no understanding how to run it, partially because the district has NEVER been good at communications). Considering the slides he put up were criminally bad, including one Freudian visual mistake that I made him break out laughing about, the PIO office still isn’t delivering (the fact that they AREN’T filming these should be the first clue).

Lawrence acknowledges he can’t run a high performing district with long term subs- a predicament that was forced on him thanks to the mass exodus of talent under Attila The Superintendent- Lolli. He’s working on a plan to bring college profs in to teach high school math and science in a partnership with local higher ed. For once, a superintendent is actively talking about nurturing high performing students within the district (I don’t know if gifted still means advanced-or challenged in today’s double speak Politically Correct dialect). It’s refreshing to think that the district may start producing National Merit Scholars annually instead of intermittently in the near future.

Some of you are saying, why should I watch this video, instead of just reading the summary? I’m going to tell you exactly why- because, other districts looking for a superintendent will be watching this, and realizing that Dayton has found an exceptional leader, and purposefully cut his legs off, publicly embarrassed their own home town champ MULTIPLE TIMES, and then insultingly hired the Alma Group to come and find his replacement.

There is no replacing Dr. Lawrence, and if the Alma Advisory Group has any integrity at all, their report to the community this Tuesday should be really short- and go something like this: The Alma Group has come to Dayton with the task of helping the incompetent school board see what’s right out in plain sight- an amazingly talented leader who actually knows what he’s doing. This search does not need to continue, nor will we be able to supply candidates of the quality or abilities of Dr. Lawrence, because to apply should be hopeless. Any applicant, won’t have the institutional knowledge, the community respect, the dedication and drive and love that Lawrence has for his community. We respectfully thank the Board for asking us here, but to continue with this process would be an insult to the taxpayers and to Dr. Lawrence, whom, by the way, we can find a higher paying position in any other district in the country in a heartbeat. Dayton should be lucky to have one of it’s own ready and willing to serve.”

But, watch for yourself. Ask, is this the kind of guy I want setting examples for my kids, my community and leading our city forward? I know your answer already.


Dec 10, 6am. Mario posted the following on her FB page, I thought it dovetailed in.
“Edited to add David Esrati’s recording. If nothing else go about halfway through to hear the audience questions/comments. And really think about coming out on Wednesday.

The Community Conversation Thursday night at Belle Haven was energizing. Too bad no one showed up.

Actually, there were a few people there. Aside from the stalwarts, there were 3 parents whose students were in different schools, who spoke eloquently about their satisfaction with the new principals and general change in direction. Highlighted were EJ Brown and Meadowdale High School. Those of you with a history in the district will remember these were not stellar examples of education in recent years. It was nice to hear.

David Lawrence is a force of nature. He is absolutely an engaging speaker. He went over the Action Plan that was presented to the Board at the last Business Meeting. A few take-aways:

His core administrative team are former principals which give them a unique perspective.

He is committed to transparency on all academic matters. This has already been demonstrated when they announced that last year some key data had not been transmitted to the Ohio Department of Education resulting in skewed state report card data. He owns when things go awry and commits to doing better. It is still early days, but so far it seems positive. There have been a few glitches and it remains to be seen how those will be resolved.

He has committed to providing information on the Action Plan and District doings to parents and community in a way that is understandable. In a free-flowing conversation, he also talked about creating a document that could be understood by students as well.

Really a refreshing change of pace.

The next Community Session is Wednesday, Dec. 13, 6 pm at Stivers. I can’t stress enough how interesting it is and how bodies in the seats – adults and students – will make the difference in making things happen.

This was not the only DPS opportunity this week. To dredge up a phrase from a few years ago, Monday’s meeting turned out to be more of a nothing burger.

10 minutes after the listed start of the meeting at 5:30, the meeting actually convenes. Apparently it was decided to go Zoom. The Alma Group spent just over 3 minutes talking about what they had been doing with a promise of an actual report next week. It was clear that they had not been fully apprised of what they were expected to do. No real indication of why a “special meeting” had to be called to announce the real report would be presented next week, unless it was cover for going into Executive Session. Honest to goodness, things must be worse than even I assume if at every meeting, scheduled or special, they have to convene to talk about personnel matters.

The most fascinating quote was from the Board President during an interview with channel 2, explaining why they have to continue the search for a new Superintendent, essentially stating that the world has changed. “The incoming board will be the first board that is millennial dominated.”

Judging by current public behavior I’m reading that to mean “I’m gonna do what I want when I want to ‘cause I can and the rest of you can go suck eggs.”

From a geezer perspective, if that’s what plays out, we’re doomed.

Just sayin’.”

Mohamed Al-Hamdani to challenge John McManus for County Treasurer

Because Mohamed Al-Hamdani is incapable of leading the local dem party, he’s decided to place his name on the ballot to challenge former Democrat John McManus for County Treasurer.

Note, the last person Al-Hamdani backed for Treasurer was Russ Joseph, who had been appointed to fill the remaining term of Carolyn Rice. Joseph got his butt kicked, just like when he was appointed to be Clerk of Courts, and lost to Mike Foley before that.

The Democratic bench is limited by the fact that they only endorse and support people on the “Friends and Family Plan” and shush any newcomers away. They have a history of telling people to “wait their turn” as the Monarchy backs their own. Or the flip-side, where the people in the back room think they should pick one democrat over another- or ignore the outcomes of primaries because someone hasn’t kissed the ring (personal experience, after a long line of others suffered the same fate).

Ask Dayton City Commissioner Darryl Fairchild about how he waited for his turn- and got stabbed in the back.

The fact that lifetime Democrat, Trotwood Mayor Mary McDonald switched parties Monday to run against Debbie Lieberman for County Commission is just one more example of how this local party has alienated leaders and played favorites.

Having watched both McManus and Al-Hamdani on the Dayton School board, it’s absolutely clear who will win this election- McManus by a landslide.

I’m going to share two videos- which should tell you all you need to know about these two candidates.

McManus- running a meeting:

Respect is earned by John McManus.

Al-Hamdani running a meeting:

Note, Al-Hamdani was involved in School business before he even was sworn in- breaking the law from day one.

I don’t expect the Dem party as it’s currently run, to EVER get out of it’s own way- and actually work to strategically win elections and to develop the grassroots power it should have until enough of the “Friends and Family” get beat and sent packing. And that shouldn’t mean going from dumped by voters to a cushy federal job and then a BOE job like Russ Joseph. Or Rhine McLin.

Hopefully, the Republican party will find someone to run against Matt Heck- or some brave Dem will run against him and end his reign of favoritism.

Turn in deadline for most races is Dec. 18, 2023.

Stay tuned.

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