A video dedicated to Congressman Michael Turner, [R] OH-3
When Mike Turner was Mayor, he had me arrested for a silent symbolic protest. We went to court, not once, or twice, but five times. We offered to not file a lawsuit against the City if they dropped charges, but they insisted that I would have to plead guilty to one.
They lost five times. Remember, Mike is the one who went to law school, not me.
The protest was about the City Commission meeting in secret, illegally, to discuss ways to silence the citizens at the public open meetings- or at least, turn off the cameras- so the people that the City Commission was elected to represent, couldn’t be heard.
Not being heard, well that’s been a recurring theme for all Americans. We want change in this country-I believe that’s why we voted for a Democratic Congress in 2006. However, our mistake was in our electoral process: one which is more like an auction than an election, with the office going to the biggest fund raiser. We elected people who promptly forgot who voted for them, and it’s been business as usual.
The only way you’ll be heard, is if someone can get elected without selling out. Thanks to the internet, I can be heard- but only if you share this video, and my others, with all of your friends- and if you donate what you can spare.
And, Michael, the tape only stays on in your dreams.
I like it David! Simple, to the point about not taking money from big groups, to the point about not getting a lot of press coverage, etc.
But could you have left the tape on for just a bit longer? ;)
Maybe if people kicked in twenty thousand, I’ll get my mouth wired shut…
Juan, you can start…www.esrati.com/donate
Now we know what happened to the goatee.
I guess the footage of your Brazilian wax job ended up on the cutting room floor??
Just kidding.
I think it’s the best one yet.
How are you getting this message out? via this site and searches on YouTube?
You need to hit the real Tube to get your message out………..less than a month………………
btw, nobody has ever heard of Jane Milentsohwhatever, I have ask many voters – so ESRATI on channel 22 would go a long way.
Nice ‘deo!
Gene- I’d need $10k to start doing broadcast-
after I have $10K to do mail and phone.
Haven’t seen a donation from you yet.
Pam was willing to match you dollar for dollar.
I’m really hoping you tell your friends, they tell their friends, etc.
Hey Buddy – Juan has started with the donations – TWICE! They may not have have been huge, but they were donations nonetheless. And with Pam doubling my donation… Well, considering I won’t even be voting with the Democrat ballot in March…
C’mon Gene – Kick in 25 bucks or so. After all the abuse that you’ve heaped on David, it’s the least you can do. (and never let it be said that I don’t do the least I can do!) I disagree with David at least as much as you do and I dusted off my wallet. The entertainment value that you get from this site is worth the donation.