What are your qualifications?

What exactly are the qualifications for a Dayton City Commissioner? The charter says be a resident, a voter and turn in 500 valid signatures presented by 5 registered voters, and that’s about it.

Considering 11 people turned in petitions and only 5 are on the ballot- apparently, at least 50% of the people who want this job fail the first test.

We currently have a former mortician as Mayor. A “Grassroots activist” who has worked for UD as a community organizer for as long as he has been in office, two former political party patronage seat warmers, and a bank president.

How do I answer that question? I could list what I’ve done, in a bio. I could even talk about my 20 year pursuit of this position- and all I’ve learned from trying. But, I prefer to talk about  ideas- and that’s what I’ve been doing for the last 4 years on this site.

The central premise of my election is that I want the City Commission to return to the management style envisioned by John Patterson when Dayton adopted the City Manager form of government almost 100 years ago. I want to put the City Manager first and forefront of leading this city. I want them to succeed wildly, be well known, be the full-time champion of the people. That’s what we pay them for.

I want the commission to act as a board of directors- an advisory panel, that sets goals and objectives for the City- and acts as a sounding board for the manager. I want to have a well run city. I don’t want politics to be at the heart of everything we do- we’re supposed to be non-partisan by design. It’s time to put the citizens and tax payers first.

It’s time the citizens had a voice again on the Commission, I want to be that Commissioner.

I’ve published my ideas for your input for four years- imagine what would happen if we could have that level of discussion brought to the commission? Are those qualifications enough?

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