Sheriff Streck needs to be recalled

This hasn’t been reported in the Dayton media. The Columbus Dispatch, the Cincinnati Enquirer and USA Today released a story about the death of 19 year old Isaiah Trammell in the Montgomery County Jail.

The Montgomery County Jail Coalition seems to know about it.

Just the people of Dayton, are in the dark.

If you watch this video, and can’t tell that this man needs hospitalization and medication, instead of intimidation and restraint, you are a soulless cretin. How that many deputies in the jail could partake in this murder is absolutely dumbfounding. We don’t need an investigation, we need entirely new leadership at the jail. That our County Commissioners haven’t tried to relieve Streck of power- or the prosecutor- says volumes about the “Culture of Corruption” in Montgomery County.

Considering Streck and his posse recently caused the unnecessary and unwarranted death of Colby Ross, maybe it’s time Streck is relieved of duty- if not charged and placed in his own jail.

I’m going to request the reports, the videos, and try to find out if the same losers (the voice sounds very familiar) that pepper sprayed Charles Alexander Wade back in 2017, a story broke.

Here’s the video. Warning, it’s graphic and disturbing.

Streck’s Jailhouse Blues:

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