Ted Strickland

As NCR leaves, our “leaders” forget their spines

I’m waiting for just one elected politician to stop and say, “Wait a second, before you leave, how about you pay us back all the breaks we gave you.” But, it’s not going to happen. As P&G announced that they were going to collect Iams and whisk them down to Mason, no one said, “But, Read More

What now, Tonto?

This is a follow up to Bob Shiffler and the Arcade, Ted Strickland and the State of the State and the whole frickin world economy. It’s time for a reality check. If insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, what have we learned from history if nothing else? Read More

Jane Mitakides finally launches a “site”- send money…

Knowing that people can’t spell Mititkadis, Mitakedes, Miticades, Mitakeyedes, well, you get the idea, she has www.jane08.com- which is nothing more than a “Send me your money” so I don’t have to pay my way to Congress site: Jane Mitakides for Congress It is time for serious change in America and nowhere is it more Read More

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