A recall, really? Cops come before economic development people in my book

I’m a firm believer in delivering great service, a quality product, and then spend money on advertising- and I’m in advertising.

The City of Dayton would rather spend money on people who talk about how great it is, instead of on actually delivery of that promise.

We’ve got a major problem here. The Dayton Business Journal reports that Dayton wants to lay off 11 officers to save $773,000 a year- as a move to show the Fraternal Order of Police who is boss- because the FOP won’t agree to a pay freeze. Nice move. Crime is one of the top excuses people use to complain the city, and instead of hiring more police, we’re going to cut them.

It’s funny, the City had $800,000 to buy the buildings at the corner of Wayne and Wyoming earlier this year- after spending a year and a half, and at least another million doing appraisals, title searches, real estate services for a new Kroger that they didn’t even have a contract with. Hmmmmm.

In the meantime, we have a bunch of people in “Economic development” collecting paychecks to try to whitewash over the problems.

Randy Beane, FOP chief, likes to make threats. Now he’s talking about a recall. Yet, when the opportunity to put people on the ballot- he sat on his hands. Pointing the finger isn’t leadership, and neither is refusing to negotiate in good faith. We need to work together on this, because the budget isn’t going to get bigger anytime soon.

These quotes are just prime from Beane:

Randy Beane, Dayton police union president, said the police are questioning city leadership and that safety is vital to economic development, but Dayton is already one of the most violent cities in the nation.

“The elected officials are running businesses out of the city, they are running citizens out. We are being inundated with burglaries on the east end that our detectives cannot even keep up on,” Beane said. “I have grave concerns. We are looking at initiating a recall vote. Unless somebody does something with the city commission and mayor, this city is dead.”

via Dayton laying off 11 police officers – Dayton Business Journal:.

I don’t believe I live in one of the most violent cities in the nation. Yes, we have a problem with burglaries, but, it would help if the prosecutors and the judges would do their job too. People who have long rap sheets should be as scared to jaywalk in Montgomery County as they are in Greene, where you get thrown in jail for even looking at a cop wrong. We’ve got some issues to solve.

Now is not the time for posturing. Both City Manager Rashad Young and Lt. Randy Beane work for the same people, with the same goal. If we can’t have people that know how to work together, maybe we need to replace one, or both of them. Making wild claims in the media isn’t helping.

And, as to losing faith in our leadership- Randy, please, what took you so long?

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