The Brown Street Rebirth

The Dayton City Paper wrote a great article about making Brown Street people-friendly. A few weeks ago work began on replacing Arby’s and Lee’s Famous Receipe with a new-urbanist mixed use building. The link to the article is here:
Cityscapes: Brown Street Walkabouts :: :: Weekly News and Culture

It’s this kind of development that makes urban living a better option than suburban or exurban living. One of the things that could really strengthen this area would be to make Brown/Warren/Jefferson street 2 way from US 35 to at least Patterson Boulevard- and preferablly to E. Fifth Street – to make it easy to connect conventioneers to Dayton’s other dining district.

Another change that could improve the viability of the area- would to be to bring back public transit on circulator routes- instead of hub-and-spoke systems. This would make it easier for residents of the Fairgrounds area to get to the new Kroger that will built at Wyoming and Wayne- or for NCR employees to go to lunch without having to take their cars.

What do you think?

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