Real Art

“Get Midwest” price rises again- more tax dollars involved

You read about Beverly Shillito and her dual role as Dayton Development Coalition board person and co-owner of Real Art here last Wednesday: Connect the dots: Dayton Development Coalition Board- hire your own, no-bid And then on Thursday, I diagrammed the whole thing: The Flowchart: Your money to the congressman and his pals where I Read More

The Flowchart: Your money to the congressman and his pals

When investigating local corruption, it’s hard not to stumble upon Mike Turner and his cronies. Here’s an example of one of Turner’s schemes that allowed him to cash in on his Congressional seat using taxpayer money.

Connect the dots: Dayton Development Coalition Board- hire your own, no-bid

Well, finding the link to the DDC board took some help, and here is the link to the 2007 version: Dayton Development Coalition 2007 Board of Trustees But, I couldn’t find the 2006 trustees- so I called and didn’t get a call back. I was able to verify that the 2005 trustees had one person Read More

“Get Midwest”- A generic campaign that is guaranteed to fail.

DaytonOS announced the development of the “Get Midwest” campaign long ago, and I mentioned then that this was a doomed campaign, created by Representative Michael R. Turner’s wifes firm, The Turner Effect. After meeting with Maureen Patterson of the Dayton Development Coalition, I tried to tell her that “Get Midwest” fails the fundamental “Swap Test”- Read More

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