Gun Control

Boobs vs. Bullets

In the wake of the shootings, while politicians tip-toe around their positions on gun control for fear of losing their payola from the gun lobby, it seems Hollywood actors are ready to step up and say no to guns. They released a video “demand a plan” asking that we stop mass shootings. Of course, the Read More

Benghazi vs. Sandy Hook and Susan Rice vs. the gun lobby

When the American ambassador to Libya was killed in Benghazi,  half way around the world, in a foreign land, in a far from friendly place, Susan Rice made a statement on behalf of the Obama administration based on information provided to her by the intelligence community. It later proved to be inaccurate, and because of Read More

Limits on killing myself, but none on killing others: Aurora shooting thoughts 2

Despite supposed limits on gun buying by psych patients, James Holmes was able to buy more than a few guns and more than 6,000 rounds of ammo in a few months preceding his movie massacre. Not that he could buy a full auto weapon, but, as someone who has fired a lot of different machine Read More

Hot button question- answered for Gene: Gun Control

I am a firm believer in the Second Amendment, all of it. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. However, I place the emphasis on the first part- “a well regulated Militia”- which means that Read More

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