CEO pay

Congressional smoke and mirrors- or why Steroids in Baseball are more important than honest financial reporting by Corporations

This morning my blood boiled. Listening to NPR I heard about Congress “investigating” steroids in baseball, while the Supreme Court basically said it’s perfectly OK to help cook books, and not face going to jail, directly to jail, without passing go or collecting $200. What’s even scarier, is Congress won’t try to overrule the court, Read More

Why it’s still the economy stupid.

As a former US Army paratrooper, I know a little bit about parachutes. As a businessman, I know that profit is a return for risk. What I don’t understand is how a man who risked nothing personally, yet ruined the lives of thousands of employees, set our financial markets into a tailspin, is granted a Read More

Obama asks? Esrati Answers: How can the next president better help small business and entrepreneurs thrive?

While I’m lucky to have 20 or so people engaged in a discussion online, being a celebrity presidential candidate with a 100 million dollar plus budget gets a lot of attention. So when Senator Obama asks a question on the business social networking site LinkedIn- he gets a lot of great feedback: LinkedIn: Answers: How Read More

Corporate welfare will kill our economy.

The Business Journal scooped the Dayton Daily News with the news that NCR will be moving its C-Level suite to NYC. Dayton will lose maybe 100 employees- but all will be the 6 and 7 figure paychecks, taking a sizable bite out of Dayton’s income tax revenue. However, the zinger is that the State of Read More

What we need is the Walmartization of our political system

From personal experience, and from the sidelines as an informed observer it’s clear that our political system as it sits (not stands- for that would be almost noble) is now fully populated by the best politicians money can buy- while a vast majority of Americans are now only capable of purchasing the bare necessities- at Read More

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