Smoke free Dayton? Long overdue.
Last night I went to Cincinnati to see Matisyahu at Bogart’s in Clifton. Rode the BMW down in 28-degree weather- (thank you Gerbing’s heated gear!) and didn’t even mind paying (well, I sort of minded) $60 to a scalper for a ticket.
The show was worth it- but it would have been so much better if it were in Columbus where it is smoke free. My sinuses were still bleeding this morning.
Less than 27% of Ohioan’s smoke- except when they go out and have to endure this vile habit, forced upon them by the idiots’s who are trying to kill themselves. If Ohio wants to compete as a location to relocate your high tech workforce- it’s time we stop forcing people with brains to submit to those low-tech fools who smoke.
Here is a link to my pictures from the show– plus a little quicktime video of his solo rap.
I think all you have to do is prove that second-hand smoke causes gay marriage and Ohioans will be lining up to ban it. Maybe you don’t even have to prove it—just start the rumor and someone will be drafting a constitutional amendment against smoking in no time. 8-)
Obviously, we have a long way to go on a lot of issues. But this one is really important, and not just from an aesthetic perspective. Smoking is an economic and public health disaster.
If Ohio doesn’t have the wisdom to implement a statewide ban on smoking in public areas, cities (prodded by concerned citizens) need to take the lead.