He said, she said is not a debate

Watching the Trump/Biden name calling trainwreck on TV where each tells us how bad the other is, is clearly a good reason not to vote for either one of these geriatric gasbags. Kennedy isn’t the answer.

The only thing left is for Biden to step down if he loves his country and let literally ANYONE else run against Trump.

Let the Dems run Gretchen Whitmer, Pete Buttigieg, or Kamala Harris for President with Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger for VP as a token of cooperation and consolidation. Somehow, we have to stop talking about the past- and have someone with a vision of an America without DJT anywhere near the oval office.

Neither of them has any business running at their age. Neither of them has the right to drag their substantial baggage along for the ride. We’re about to spend $20B on a political showdown between children who are talking about their golf scores- instead of the future of our country.

This is an embarrassment.

If there is a time for American’s to come together- it’s right now, to say that we refuse to settle for either of these political embarrassments. It should be automatic that if the candidates are over 70, “none of the above” should be an option for voters to call for a new slate.

Who ever coached Biden for this debate, should be fired as well. Biden should never stand there with his mouth open looking at Trump- or looking down at the podium. He should be projecting strength and competence and directing the conversation- not responding or reacting.

Trump won this debate, without even having to try. The electoral college almost will guarantee that he has a real chance at becoming 47.

I’d love to hear your thoughts in comments.

I’m embarrassed for our country.

Addition, June 28, 2024. I had an idea this morning.

Draft Dave Chappelle
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