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The Board of Elections operates like the Illuminati

Russ Joseph the jester

Well, there’s a meeting of the Montgomery County Board of Elections tomorrow- where they are going to do something, and swear in someone, and maybe vote on something. That’s the most you can tell from their “Agenda” which isn’t.

The only real question is who the Dems chose to nominate to replace their former party darling Sarah Greathouse? I’ve attended and filmed all the Montgomery County Democratic Party Committee meetings, and didn’t ever hear them ask for a vote to nominate or accept anyone to take this plum patronage job that pays 6 figures plus.

When going into the basement Board of Elections offices today- to ask who it was, the 3 staffers all claimed no clue, although Bill Hibner said the rumor was that it would be Russ Joseph.

This will be yet another patronage job for the brother of Dayton City Commissioner Matt Joseph who I hope to face and displace in the May primary. Having his brother in charge of the people counting signatures and the votes does not make me happy. It was bad enough when I’ve got the former party chair, Mark Owens, with his brother in the data processing section. This is the real way election fraud happens in Ohio- not, by fake voters or dead voters casting ballots- but by trusting the two parties to run a fair and honest election. Remember, these are the people who won’t tell you who they are putting in power- and that both “parties” are out numbered by the number of “unclassified” or “independent” voters who want nothing to do with either party.

If you think I’m nuts about election rigging, I never got a satisfactory answer how my father could live in different precincts depending on if you checked the State records or the local ones way back in 2014 (see Database 101 for Board of Elections [1]).

The meeting starts at 8am- but, I’m not going. I’ve got more important things to do, like swim laps at the Lohrey- where the city can only open it 3 mornings a week (supposedly because of lack of lifeguards).

What good are “Sunshine Laws” if a public body, entrusted with the most sacred duty of a democracy, can’t act in a transparent, open manner? If I was Erik Blaine and Tommy Routsong, I’d refuse to accept the Dem Nomination- because the public had no knowledge of who they were appointing. I’d assume it would take 3 votes to accept the nomination.

This isn’t the academy awards- “And the winner is….” it’s local government. Let’s cut the secrecy crap and just operate like people with integrity, not the illuminati.

And just remember Democratic Party- you’ve given Russ two elected positions midway through the terms- and he got beat each time, even with your support. Do you see a pattern here?

And I think his performance as treasurer, and of his lame duck successor, Paul Bradley, is about to be ridiculed for their poor performance in collecting delinquent taxes. Same for Carolyn Rice- all by the former Dem, current Treasurer John McManus who may be the only competent elected person in the County Building.

Maybe the Dems will get a clue- you don’t win elections by continuing to back indicted criminals like Joey Williams, jerks like Russ Joseph, and nice folks who also didn’t get the job done like Carolyn Rice… who barely got re-elected to the County Commission but, that’s tomorrows story.

Maybe putting Russ Joseph in charge of our board of elections is the only way the Dem party figures they can keep electing the friends and family of the party. But, I have a feeling that party is about to get shut down.

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jonathan r brazelton

Got a letter from the National Dem Party asking for money (with a return postage envelope) and told them that Mont. Cty Dem Party hadn’t supported David Esrati, who had won the November primary. Then said I won’t give them a cent until they clean up the Ohio and Montgomery Dem parties.

Tim Hart

So you admit there is a Shadow Government / illuminati ? We are making progress it seems ! Keep up the Good work !

Bob Van Lee

I’ve forwarded this expose to Jon Bedell / channel 7 news. See his most recent t post.
So much for transparency and accountability by the City of Dayton …