7 results for "avakian"

Dayton Public Schools and the state report card

If I ran a dating site and described each member by height, weight, and eye color and nothing else, how many people do you think would be happy about their dates? The state report card has become the metric for measuring schools of late- leaving out all the nuances that make up a school or Read More

What the Dayton Daily News misses in endorsements

In my last post we talked about the failings of “You Betcha, Belcher” and her crew at the Dayton Daily News editorial board. The competency of questioning and the actual accuracy of their statements border on  libel. But, that never stopped them from actually presenting information that would be useful- no, that would be up Read More

Revisionist newspaper websites

The Dayton Daily News has been inconsistent about allowing comments on articles. There doesn’t seem to be rhyme or reason to which articles allow comments, which ones don’t- and on more than a few occasions- they’ve blown the comments away and closed them. Today Greene Party Tea Party candidate Virgil Vaduva pointed out that they’d Read More

Now political consultants are on the taxpayers’ payroll?

It’s one thing for a political campaign to hire a campaign consultant, but it’s another for taxpayer money to be used to pass a tax increase. Think about it- would you pay someone your own money, to make you pay more for something? If the politicians can’t get a tax increase passed without being able Read More

Dayton Public Schools to hire Cleveland firm on a no-bid for PR

Sources have provided me with a copy of the agreement between Burges & Burges, a PR firm in Cleveland, and the Dayton Public Schools for a no-bid contract for $6,000 a month for 18 months. I’ve attached the agreement for all to read.burges-contract Being in the PR and advertising business- I must disclose, I’d love Read More

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