10 results for "tony tipps"

It’s time for an elected ethics officer in the county

[UPDATED WITH CLARIFICATIONS – 1 DEC] We elect a coroner, an auditor, a clerk of courts, an engineer and a sheriff. But, when it comes to the people who oversee those elections- they are appointed by the political parties- people we don’t elect. And- for every position, the taxpayers get to pay two people- one Read More

Special rules for a special primary- still make no sense

I’m a big believer in vote by mail. Oregon has done it for years. And now, as a “cost saving” measure the OH-3 special primary for the Democrats’ nomination for Congress is going to be held in 3 of our 4 gerrymandered counties as a vote-by-mail clusterduck. Unless they vote absentee by mail, most Montgomery Read More

By Affirmation: How the Montgomery County Democratic Party rolls

Last night I got my certificate of election to be a precinct captain at the grand convocation of the Montgomery County Democratic Party. I’m in charge of 1E. There are six precincts in Ward 1- and 2 seats are still open- A and F. The four of us who showed up have elected Ron Lee Read More

Board of Elections only open for monkey business- not for voting

It’s easy to understand why the Board of Elections can’t find any money to stay open late for early voters who prefer to vote in person, they blew our tax dollars on overtime for salaried managers and on bonuses to friends and family (for longevity and “performance”). To top if off, there isn’t an ethical Read More

The Monarchy of Montgomery County

How many “political families” do we have in Dayton that collect tax-dollar supported paychecks? Civil service standards? Whatever. We’ve got a “famiglia” in town that takes care of its workers, it’s called the Montgomery County Democratic Party and its patronage system is what keeps the good “earners” in line. I can’t do all of this, Read More

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