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DDN board with Roth present goes against the flow- Endorses Harris

You read it here first- when I said Vic Harris should run [1] despite the Democratic Party Secret Screening Society decided he shouldn’t. Now, the DDN editorial board actually agrees with me- the Vic Harris is the kind of fresh energy that the Democratic party should be encouraging. Not only that, primaries are good- giving voters a chance to choose, something you would think this country would be in favor of.

In many places, party endorsements of candidates in a primary would be illegal. The fact that the Board of Elections are made up of Dem’s and Republicans only- should already tilt the system enough.

Our recommendation: Harris offers Democrats much needed life in 40th District [2]
Mr. Winburn [3] is, indeed, a respectable, safe bet. But safe bets have, for too long, led to local Democratic lawmakers’ lackluster, uninspiring image and performance. Quick! Name one energizing, tireless, charismatic local Democratic state lawmaker. (Local Republicans have done better about advancing some people with drive, but, in truth, they, too, have carried their share of mediocrities.)

In an ordinary race — and by the standards of either party — Mr. Winburn is well above average in terms of experience, qualifications and demeanor. But he faces an exceptionally energetic opponent in this primary.

Victor Harris is the kind of candidate Democratic voters should be encouraging and advancing in local politics. And the Ohio House is a logical place for him to start, what with term limits forcing so much turnover. While once-upon-a-time such job openings weren’t so predictable, House seats in the last decade have become an entry-level position for those hoping to get into politics. It’s pretty much there or running for county commission.

And if the paper was really looking for an “energizing, tireless, charismatic (or at least interesting) local Dem- wouldn’t that be me- who at least shows up in the paper more than Jane Mitakides- who only shows up when she wants to come out of her private community in Centerville and run for Congress?

I support Victor Harris in the 4oth as well- go look at his site: harrisohiohouse40.com [4]

For once, the Dayton Daily News gets it right.

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Well, he should start campaigning then. I haven’t heard squat or seen hide nor hair of him in Huber. His opponent was lining up support in Wards 5&6 last summer.