January 2010

Time to fix the cat problem in Dayton

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- why don’t we license cats? Wild cats run free- while wild dogs get picked up. There is no place to take a cat you find running loose- at least not without paying someone to pick it up. Luckily, it seems that one person has a plan Read More

About time we had some debate: Obama vs. Republicans

When the people are finally sick and tired of being spoon-fed partisan BS coming from the corporate puppets we elect- and the tide has turned against the leader, they finally decide to try something new- that’s as old as democracy itself: Debate: President Obama denied he was a Bolshevik, the Republicans denied they were obstructionists Read More

You know times are tough when bank presidents have banking problems

There are the bankers on Wall Street who carry home cash in a wheelbarrow, without ever having to sign on a line for anything. They run the bank into the ground, get multimillion-dollar bonuses- get bailed out by the taxpayers and then “retire” with a big fat golden parachute and a pension for life. Then Read More

Super Bowl Ads and Abortion might not mix

The Huffington Post just released a story saying the whole Tim Tebow anti-abortion ad that’s slated to run during the Super Bowl may be a fairy tale. Which is just great- after we ripped the premise of it in today’s Dayton Grassroots Daily Show. A commercial featuring Tim Tebow and his mother Pam that is Read More

daytondailyfail.com launches

It’s sad- that a “young professional” who just left Dayton and finds himself in Phoenix- is now publishing a site to allow the comments on articles the DDN closes them on: this site was built by a former daytonian who still cares about the old hometown. daytondailyfail.com, or ddf for short, exists to provide an Read More

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