Tim Riordan

Compost or Green energy plants?

Hi, I’d like to start dumping stinky bio-waste next door to you. I’m the guy who mistakenly demolishes landmark buildings on city contracts. I’ve donated lots of money to elect dunderheads to lead your city into the ground- which has been very good for my demolition business. I charge a lot more to tear down Read More

Dayton can’t make up mind: buy or sell property?

It’s really too bad the citizens of Dayton are asleep at the wheel, allowing the City Commission with their limited intellectual capacity, to sell off our assets, while at the same time, engaged in an utterly pointless property acquisition strategy. Yep- we’re selling off the public’s investment in parks and recreation centers for the youth Read More

You can’t trust Dayton City Hall

If you think the people running the City of Dayton have your best interests in mind, you are in for an eye opener. I warned of problems with this deal with Industrial Realty Group last week. First, meet our local hometown hero: Mark Herres, CEO of The Builders Development Group. Mark had an idea to Read More

Dayton Development Coalition is out of touch

First order of business at every municipality in the region today: demand an audit and a refund from the Dayton Development Coalition. While every single community has been asking employees for concessions, laying off staff, not filling positions and cutting budgets- the Dayton Development Coalition continues to behave like Wall Street bankers- drinking champagne and Read More

Mayor Leitzell refuses to join the circus

Dayton has a highly paid professional who is supposed to lead the city. His name is Tim Riordan. In fact, he’s not paid enough to manage the types of responsibilities he’s tasked with- he makes half of what Jim Leftwich at the Dayton Development Coalition makes, but that’s another story. Mayor Leitzell is one vote Read More

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