Standard and Poors

credit default swaps are bets

Inequity kills economies: economies now run countries

“Principles have no real force except when one is well fed.” Mark Twain Politicians used to understand this. Promises of a better tomorrow, with jobs, a standard of living higher than it is today- were standard campaign promises. Now, we have “hope” and “change” with no promise whatsoever. If we likened life to a game Read More

While the government is talking limits on credit-default swaps, maybe we’d do best to ban “counter-investing”?

Investing and the market should be about good faith in a company- after all, isn’t that what all the debt rating agencies are supposed to help us with in making decisions? Just yesterday, Standard & Poors warned it may downgrade GM’s credit rating- which helped kill off 31% of the stocks value. That’s a serious Read More