Montgomery County Republican Party

McDonald switches parties to challenge Lieberman for County Commission

Republican party HQ on Linden Avenue was packed with people of color, a rare occurrence, I’m guessing, as Republican Party County Chair State Rep Phil Plummer, announces that Mary McDonald and Kate Baker will be the party candidates to take on Debbie Lieberman and Judy Dodge next year for Montgomery County Commission. McDonald, a lifelong Read More

How to run for precinct captain for your party- the video

Back in December 2017, I wrote a piece urging people to run for precinct captains in the Montgomery County Democratic Party- here’s an excerpt: The crazy thing is that running for precinct captain is the easiest thing to do. You get a petition, you determine your precinct, you get signatures of at least 10 dems Read More

Montgomery County Republican Party factions playing games with OH-42 seat

Last week, gave you the long list of potential candidates to fill OH-42 existing term, and the ballot position for Terry Blair’s seat. You may have read about it in the Dayton Daily news a few days later. Today, the DDn ran a press release from the “Conservative Republican Leadership Committee”- read that the Read More

Why having the sheriff as a political party chair is a bad idea in Montgomery County

When Robert Scott stepped down as chair of the Montgomery County Republican Party last October, the party machinery didn’t quite work the way it was supposed to. Typically, there is an order of ascendency, and the vice chairmen would become chairman. However, vice-chairman Nick Brusky stepped down too, and next on the pecking order was Read More