money in politics

[S]Election Day, Tuesday May 7, 2013

Today, Dayton voters get to narrow the field. It’s not about electing anyone, it’s just about choosing who won’t be elected, a test pattern, a process of winnowing. In a country that has thousands of flavors of hot sauce, somehow, when it comes to voting, we’re increasingly asked to pick between ketchup and mustard, and Read More

Mayor or bust.

On May 7, 2013 a small percentage of Dayton voters will go to the polls to narrow the field of candidates for Dayton Mayor and City Commission. It’s a rare election in that we even have this choice, since most times, the Board of (S)Elections manages to keep most of the potential candidates off the Read More

The collective bargaining clusterduck

There is a problem with what unions have come to represent in this country. No longer are they the voice of the workers- they’ve become a cash cow for Democratic lawmakers- the same way Wall Street has done for lawmakers willing to look the other way on regulation. The real issue isn’t workers’ rights to Read More